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Webinar fra DiBK: Nordic Climate Forum for Construction 2022 - Fullført.

Join DiBK at the webinar about the Nordic approach on reducing the building sector’s climate impact, and external factors that help to shape it

Learn about the policy development of the regulations of CO2-reduction in buildings worldwide, in the EU and especially in the Nordic countries, how to practically use BIM to report CO2-emissions from materials and listen to the presentations of the two Nordic programmes Nordic Sustainable Construction and Nordic Networks for Circular Construction.

The Nordic ministers decided in 2018 that harmonization of building regulation should be strengthened. This led to the first Nordic Climate forum for Construction in 2019, which became the starting point of an effort towards Nordic harmonization for low carbon emissions from construction.

The climate forum is a yearly event for discussions with policymakers and stakeholders from industry, academia, and the finance sector. The event will be held in English.

Click here to register.
Registration deadline is 5th of September 2022.

Program -webinar 8th of September:

12:00 Welcome: Norwegian Building Authority

12:05 Policy development of the regulations of CO2-reduction in buildings
− Worldwide policy development, Panu Pasanen, CEO, OneClickLCA, Finland
− The draft proposal for the EPBD with a focus on LCA, Brigitte Jacquemont, Policy Officer in DG Energy
− The Whole Life Carbon Roadmap, Josefina Lindblom, Policy Officer in DG Environment
− Presentation of proposal for the CPR, with focus on LCA, and other initiatives of DG GROW, Philippe Moseley, Policy Officer in DG GROW

12:55 Coffee break

13:05 Development of limit values for CO2-emissions in buildings in the Nordic countries
− An overview of today´s regulation for all the Nordic countries Matti Kuittinen, Ministery of the Environment, Finland
− Finland, Matti Kuittinen, Ministery of the Environment, Finland
− Denmark, Luzie Rück, Danish Housing and Planning Authority, Denmark
− Sweden, Sara Borgström, WSP, Martin Erlandsson, IVL or Kristina Einarsson, The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning. Sweden

13:50 Coffee break

14:00 Climate Declaration and BIM – how to practical report CO2- emissions for buildings
− Presentation of the new standard “ISO 22057 Data templates for the use of environmental product declarations (EPDs) for construction products in building information modelling (BIM)”, Anne Rønning, Norsus AS, Norway
− How to use BIM to report CO2-emissions from building materials, Lars Myhre, Norwegian Home Builders´ Association, Norway

Presentation of the nordic programmes:
Nordic Sustainable Construction , Helle Redder Momsen, Danish Housing and Planning Authority Denmark
Nordic Networks for Circular Construction Matti Kuittinen, Ministery of the Environment, Finland

15:00 End of program

Dato & tid

8. september 12:00 – 15:00

Webinar – Online. Webinar

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